Vote NO on I! Reject the landlord repeal! Save Fairfax rent control! 

On your November 2024 ballot.

Fairfax tenants have rent control but corporate landlords want to take it away by deceiving voters with Measure I.

Rents are skyrocketing in Fairfax. Our current rent control law is in accordance with the California state constitution to allow for a fair return for landlords, while making sure that our neighbors who rent aren’t hit by massive rent increases and forced to leave our community. Measure I wants to change all that.

Cities and towns across the state (including nearby San Anselmo and Larkspur) have passed local rent control laws to keep rents affordable so tenants can put down roots and contribute to their communities. Don’t believe the corporate landlords lies with Measure I – our rent control is a fair way to protect our community.

Say NO to huge rent hikes!

Without our local rent control law, landlords are allowed to abuse the state maximum increase of 10% per year. That’s why scores of cities across the state have enacted rent control. Our current law ensures that rent increases are based on the cost of living and never go above 5%, so tenants can have cost predictability and stability, while our mom and pop landlords get a fair return on rent.

Say NO to raising taxes!

The average homeowner is not impacted by the rent control. Only landlords will pay a small reasonable fee. All single family homes are exempt.

Say NO to unfair evictions!

Tenants who follow the rules should not be unfairly evicted. Fairfax rent control is structured to fit our specific community needs, preventing unfair evictions for older adults, people with disabilities, and families with school age children.

Say NO to undemocratic decisions!

Corporate landlords have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in Marin to repeal local renters protections. Don’t let them speak for our community and interfere with our democracy. Vote No on the landlord repeal of rent control!

Say NO to Measure I!

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