What’s at stake this November?

What’s the current law? 

In November 2022, the Fairfax Town Council passed two laws establishing rent stabilization (rent control) and just cause evictions. Measure I seeks to overturn our town’s laws.

Vote NO on I to Keep Rents Affordable 

  • The current law caps annual rent increases at 75% of the Consumer Price Index (CPI). Last year the maximum allowable rent increase was 2.52%. For the average three-bedroom household in Fairfax, which is $5,000 per month, this works out to $125 per month. Without the current law, landlords could raise the rent by 10%, or up to $500 per month. That’s simply out of reach for most working families. 

  • It prohibits arbitrary displacement by requiring all evictions to be for a just cause.

  • It requires landlords to make relocation payments to tenants equal to two months rent if those tenants were evicted due to no fault of their own.

  • It establishes a “right of return” for tenants, requiring landlords to offer vacant units back to their former tenants if those tenants were evicted due to no fault of their own.

  • It provides additional protections against eviction for tenants who are elderly, disabled, or terminally-ill, in addition to tenants who are teachers or students during the school year.